Live Ceremony Painting
Live ceremony illustration is a unique and beautiful way of capturing a precious moment from your wedding ceremony or reception, exchanging vows, or your first dance.
I paint with professional quality watercolour paints on 300gsm, 100% cotton premium watercolour paper. I also use colour pencils, gouache, and fine line pens for details.
I can paint any moment you choose! I can paint the vows, your first kiss, exchanging of rings, walking down the aisle after the ceremony, your first dance, speeches, just to name a few.
I complete most of the painting live at your wedding, and then add further detail in my studio. Postage is included in the package price.
Wedding couple only
10 x 12 inch framed watercolour paper
Oak Frame
3 hours of live painting
The package price comprises up to 3 hours of live painting in front of your guests and up to 6 hours of studio time to complete your artwork.
Wedding couple, bridal party, guests and pets
20 x 24 inch framed watercolour paper
Oak Frame
Thank you cards of your painting
6 - 7 hours of live painting
The package price comprises up to 7 hours of live painting in front of your guests and up to 6 hours of studio time to complete your artwork.
Two paintings: One of wedding couple, and the other of wedding couple plus bridal party, guests and pets
20 x 24 inch framed watercolour paper
Oak Frame
Thank you cards of your painting
8 hours of live painting
The package price comprises up to 8 hours of live painting in front of your guests and up to 15 hours of studio time to complete your artworks.